The woman who wrote the boyband-themed YA contemporary--which, let me tell you, a wonderful book--is here with us! Check out the 13 random facts about the American Girl on Saturn debut author + you could get a chance to experience her book's wonderfulness by winning it on the giveaway!
13 Random Facts
1. I’m a vegetarian, which may not seem weird, but where I live, vegetarians are a myth. The deep south (USA) seems to love meat. Yuck.
2. I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was twenty-two.
3. I wish every day was Halloween.
(Sidenote: Oh hello there, you're the third debut author to say that (or something like they love Halloween). I still don't get it, though. Heehee :3)
4. Like most authors, I have a one-click addiction on Amazon. But it’s never with books. I buy tons and tons of music. (I just one-clicked “Story of my Life” by One Direction while working on this – that song will be old news by the time this is posted.)
(Sidenote: Yeah, because by now you're probably buying Diana, Strong or Midnight Memories.)
5. My favorite color is orange.
6. I really don’t care for watching TV, with the exception of watching Criminal Minds every Wednesday night.
7. I wish I owned a giraffe reservation.
8. I was the only girl in the hospital nursery when I was born. Apparently mid-January 1986 was the time for boys. I didn’t get the memo and showed up in pink.
9. I’m a city girl, 100%. I hate the country “backwoods” kind of life. However, I do drive a pickup truck. It’s yellow!
10. Hawthorne Heights saved my life. I know, it’s clichéd to say a band saved my life, but it’s true. I wouldn’t be where I am now without their music.
(Sidenote: Same as my fangirling over Taylor Swift. *pats* I understand you.)
11. I’m slightly obsessed with professional surfing. I internet-stalk pro surfer John John Florence on a regular basis. #TeamJJF
12. I’m not much of a reader. I’ve read about 15 books this year, and that’s a huge amount for me. I know, I should be ashamed.
(Sidenote: :O)
13. I save movie tickets, concert tickets, receipts from vacations, etc., because I’m entirely too sentimental.
More about Nikki!
Nikki Godwin is a Young Adult/LGBT author from the southern USA. She can't live without Mountain Dew, black eyeliner, and music by Hawthorne Heights. When not writing, she's internet-stalking her favorite bands and keeping tabs on surf competitions. She adores Liam Payne of One Direction and pro surfer John John Florence.
Take a peak on Nikki's debut novel!
(Saturn #1)
by Nikki Godwin
Published August 29th 2013
Blurb (Goodreads):
The summer after graduation is supposed to be that first real taste of freedom - but not for eighteen-year-old Chloe Branson. Just as that breeze of freedom is making its way into her galaxy, her secret-service-agent dad drops a meteor-sized bomb of bad news on her and her sisters. An attempt has been made on the lives of Canadian boyband, Spaceships Around Saturn, during their USA tour, and the guys have to go into hiding ASAP. The only problem? In the midst of the crisis and media frenzy, their dad volunteered to hide the their house.
Six-year-old Emery is as ecstatic as any self-proclaimed Saturnite would be, but Chloe and her seventeen-year-old sister Aralie watch their summer plans crash and burn like a falling star. The SAS guys aren't happy with the situation, either. Bad boy Jules picks fights with Aralie about everything from his Twitter followers to his laundry, and heart-throb Benji can't escape Emery's fangirlisms for more than three minutes.
But after the super-cute Milo kisses Chloe during a game of hide-and-seek, she finally understands what Emery means when she talks about SAS being "out of this world." If this is what Saturn feels like, Chloe doesn't want to come back to Earth.

Head over to Oops! I Read A Book Again for debut author Jessica Young!
Yesterday: Patricia Vanasse (Resilient) and Rachel Waxman
Tomorrow: Page Morgan (The Beautiful and The Cursed) and Mindee Arnett (The Nightmare Affair)
Calling YA/NA/MG debut authors of 2014! Want to join us on this fun event? Fill out this form! Don't forget to spread the word with your debuting friends!
I love when people interact with their fave (or not-so fave) boy bands in books or movies! It always proves amusing! :D