Check out what Jacqueline Green, debut author of Truth or Dare, loves, addicted to, obsessing, or bad at on her 13 random facts (or confession!). ;)
Jacqueline Green
13 Random Facts
1. I have a life-long love of pigs. It’s my (not-so-secret) dream to own a pot-bellied pig.
2. I have a dog who is so tiny that I refer to her as a dog-hamster hybrid—which I have officially coined a Dogster.
3. I am addicted to vanilla chai lattes. Only the super-sugary powder kind will do.
4. I was a vegetarian from the age of ten to twenty-five.
5. I am obsessed with all-things Christmas, even though, technically, I don’t celebrate Christmas…
(Sidenote: Now you got me curious. Why??)
6. …So much so that the manuscript I wrote in my MFA program took place in The North Pole.
8. I am a terrible cook. Luckily, I married an amazing cook.
9. My guilty pleasure is watching the Disney Channel.
(Sidenote: Ah, yes. Especially DCOMs! Love.)
10. I am a tea addict, and have been known to bring my own tea with me to restaurants.
11. Walking is my favorite mode of transportation. I would walk everywhere, if I could. (And as my husband will bemoan, I try.)
12. My favorite punctuation mark to use is the em-dash.
13. My first YA novel debuted in 2013, which made it a pretty amazing year. After a lifetime of writing and writing and studying writing, to see MY book on a shelf in a REAL BOOKSTORE was so surreal and crazy and AWESOME.
(Sidenote: Congratulations!)
More about Jacqueline!
Jacqueline Green is the author of Truth or Dare, the first book in a YA thriller trilogy. Its sequel, Secrets and Lies, comes out in May. You can visit her website at, or follow her on twitter at @jacqwrites or on tumblr at notyourteachersreadinglist .
Check out Jacqueline's debut novel!
Truth or Dare
(Truth or Dare #1)
by Jacqueline Green
Published May 14th 2013 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Blurb (Goodreads):
When a simple round of truth or dare spins out of control, three girls find it’s no longer a party game. It’s do or die.
It all started on a whim: the game was a way for Tenley Reed to reclaim her popularity, a chance for perfect Caitlin “Angel” Thomas to prove she’s more than her Harvard application. Loner Sydney Morgan wasn’t even there; she was hiding behind her camera like usual. But when all three start receiving mysterious dares long after the party has ended, they’re forced to play along—or risk exposing their darkest secrets.
How far will Tenley, Caitlin and Sydney go to keep the truth from surfacing? And who’s behind this twisted game?
Set against the backdrop of Echo Bay, an isolated beach town haunted by misfortune, Truth or Dare is a highly charged debut that will keep readers in suspense from beginning to end.

Head over to Oops! I Read A Book Again for debut author Robin Constantine!
Yesterday: Jen McConnel (The Secret of Isobel Key) and Emil Ostrovski (The Paradox of Vertical Flight)
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