Thursday, June 13, 2013

Book Review: ACID by Emma Pass

by Emma Pass

Series: ACID #1
Genre: YA, dystopian, sci-fi
Published April 25th 2013 by Corgi Children's Books/
Random House Children's Publishing
Source: Publisher
Purchase: Book DepositoryAmazon

Blurb (Goodreads):
2113. In Jenna Strong’s world, ACID – the most brutal, controlling police force in history – rule supreme. No throwaway comment or muttered dissent goes unnoticed – or unpunished. And it was ACID agents who locked Jenna away for life, for a bloody crime she struggles to remember.

The only female inmate in a violent high-security prison, Jenna has learned to survive by any means necessary. And when a mysterious rebel group breaks her out, she must use her strength, speed and skill to stay one step ahead of ACID – and to uncover the truth about what really happened on that dark night two years ago.

My Thoughts:

The moment I saw the cover, read the title and description, I knew I have to read this. It reminds me of the my dystopian favorites, The Hunger Games and Divergent. Why wouldn't I? Looking at the cover, I knew that it had a kick-ass heroine. I knew that I found what I'm looking for a long time. My book. And I knew by then that I'd do anything to have a copy. And I did.

After featuring ACID on WoW, I researched for any contact details I could find to request a review copy. I found a lot and my awesome blogger friends helped me out. I forgot how many emails I've emailed and how many times I sent them, and how many times I've been declined or receive no reply at all. I gave up. I know I can't get all the things that I want. I almost cried but I thought I could borrow Precious' copy. At least I'd be able to read it even though I don't have a copy. The doorbell rings and my heart stopped. I have package! But I wasn't expecting one, am I? And then I saw the package with printed Random House in it. I AM THE HAPPIEST PERSON ALIVE THAT DAY. *squeals* The smooth surface of the cover. The smell of the pages. The book itself on my hands. Ahhh, love.

I was almost scared reading ACID. One, because I know I have to wait for another eternity for the sequel and two, because I'm afraid that all those wishful nights, ACID would turn out to be the book I wasn't expecting--in a bad way. That could be really devastating. But then when I started reading it, I got sucked instantly.

Being in an all-male prison especially if you're teenage girl was never good. And to think I imagined before how will Jenna Strong meet her knight and shining armor here. But in reality, the men in this prison are mad. This is where she learned how to fight for herself and develop her strength and fearlessness, which makes her a total bad-ass. The book didn't spent with Jenna on the prison all the way. She's been escaped with the help of a secret agency without her knowing about these people. The story goes on like the water on a river, flowing. I like the fact that this dystopian novel wasn't spent into running and hiding and running. Although they did run and hide, there are scenes that I never expected and are fresh to me. There were no dull parts. It actually becomes more interesting with every turn of the page. The world building was also really nice and there are revelations that I never saw coming but I really liked. 

The romance wasn't also I expected. It wasn't an insta-love, which was plus points. I liked that the book didn't started with obsessing with a guy already, and it came to the time I wasn't expecting. I liked how their feelings for each other slowly bloomed, though I hope that they were closer before they really realize what's the beat of their hearts. What I didn't liked was that this guy (I'd like to make him remain unnamed so you won't be expecting before you read this book. It should be surprise for you as well. Hey, think of this as a gift. ;) appeared less in this book and he was definitely not a knight and shining armor because it's Jenna who's always saving him. I'd like to see him change on the sequel, though. They weren't puke-worthy "sweet" but I liked it and I'm craving for their team up. I'm looking forward on how their relationship grows on the second book.

ACID can definitely mention together with the titles The Hunger Games and Divergent, as other people said as well. It was action-packed and thrilling novel that every dystopian fans would love. A romance that's just right and a mystery and world people would enjoy finding out. As you pick ACID, get ready to be shocked, excite, and your blood pumping with this new unforgettable dystopian novel. Wonderful read for a debut. Applause to Emma Pass. If it weren't obvious, I am highly recommending this book.

*And because no one replied with a yes to me, I am not sure who to thank personally. But to that people that I'm guessing who sent me this copy--to David and to Stephanie (who's name on the media sheet)--huge thanks and hugs to you guys and Random House UK for sending (and surprising) me a review copy for an honest opinion!


1 comment:

  1. Great review! I have been interested in this book, but I didn't know it was good; now I do. ;)


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