Friday, March 29, 2013

Feature & Follow #16: The Comeback!

Now that I'm *temporarily* free of stress of college because of summer vacay, Michelle Shouts Random is now back with Feature and Follow! I'm hoping to see a lot of blogs to follow, and of course, new followers. It's so nice to do this again! Without further ado, lemme answer this week's question. ;)

Q: Tell us about the most emotional scene you’ve ever read in a book – and how did you react?

A: I've read a couple of books that broke my heart and made me tear up. The first book was Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. I also remember tearing up on P.S I Love You by Cecelia Ahern. The most recent books that made me cry are the books written by Colleen Hoover: Slammed and Point of Retreat. Thoughtless and Effortless by S.C Stephens also make my heart cry.

There were certain parts of these books that made me cry. And I realized that it's always because of the love they felt for that person. The true love, even if it resulted in broken hearts or tears of joy. Either way, it always make my heart react in a way and cry. I mean, I literally tear up when I read these books.

There were also books--dystopians or fantasy, to be more particular--that make me put on the edge. Of my seat. Not in a emotional-cry way but in a crap-my-heart's-pounding-so-hard-I-feel-like-being-chase-as-well and sometimes, it makes me scream out of frustration. You see, I'm always absorbed on what I read. XD

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Let me know your reactions on the books you read! Share your links to your FF post, follow me in any way that you can (though I'd appreciate if through GFC) and I'll visit your post and follow back!

Have a happy Easter weekend! :)

Don't forget to hop on the other blogs!

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