It's day four of Celebrating Debutantes 2013 and it's hot on both my and Dianne's blog. While she features Sabrina Elkins, author of Stir Me Up, I'm featuring the author of Hooked!
Warm welcome to...
What do you feel about the number '13'?
13 gets a bad rap. It’s not been unlucky for me in the least.
What's the best thing that happened after your book was published?
Seeing my book on shelves in bookstores. It’s still a dream-like experience for me because I remember so many years when I’d visit my favorite local bookstores and think: hey, what if my book was in a window or on a shelf some day…
How did you celebrate the publishing of your book?
Me. My husband. Our favorite Italian restaurant, Va Bene. Boom!
Do you read reviews of your book?
I do like to read the industry reviews like Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, Booklist, etc. If a book blogger @’s me on Twitter with a link to his/her review, I usually read those reviews too.
What is your best or most unforgettable moment with a fan?
I recently got an email from a Native teen girl on the east coast in update New York who told me that HOOKED was the first book she’d read with a character that she could relate to. That was, like, wow. There are no words.
Was there any book/s from other debut author of 2013 that you loved?
I really liked NOBODY BUT US by Kristin Halbrook and USES FOR BOYS by Erica Sheidt, to name just a few. I prefer reading contemporary YA with rather unconventional characters, so these two books hit all of the right emotional buttons for me. Plus I thought the writing was beautiful.
Are you interested in writing in a different genre or for a different audience?
Right now I’m focusing on YA realistic contemporaries but I would never say never about writing in a different genre. The point is to right what you love. When I tire of contemporaries, maybe I’ll make a switch but, right now, there are not nearly enough YA contemporaries in my humble opinion.
Share us one embarrassing moment you've had.
Just one?? One time I had to introduce another author at a writing convention. And I forgot her name—not because the other author was unforgettable. Quite the contrary. It was more like because I got light-headed addressing a hot room packed with people. Note to self: Never leave home without eating a proper breakfast.
Favorite color?
Green. Or blue. Depends on my mood.
Favorite movie?
I’ve always been a sucker for GONE WITH THE WIND. Still.
Favorite ice cream flavor?
French vanilla.
Favorite song?
Gah! Only one? I continue to be in love with The Proclaimer’s “Whole Wide World.”
Ultimate celebrity crush (dead or alive)?
I think Adam Beach is so cool, not to mention gorgeous. Yes, please…
What's next for you?
I’m trying to finish writing two more YA books within the next 12 months. Wish me luck! :)
More about Liz!
I'm an American author living in the American Southwest by way of Chicago.
Most of my stories are set in the American Southwest because I think the desert is a cool place. Living in Phoenix, I'm surrounded by Native American culture and influences, not to mention intriguing Hohokam petroglyphs and centuries-old canals. There are over 20 tribes in Arizona and I'm lucky to be neighbors to the Gila River and the Salt River Indian Communities.
When I'm not busy writing my next novel, I like to travel, visit museums, support local theater productions, hike, and pretend that I'm training for a triathlon. I post a lot of photos from my desert and mountain hikes on my Facebook and Twitter pages. In no particular order, I've been chased by javalinas, rattlesnakes, coyotes, and even one curious black bear.
Haven't check out her debut book yet? Here it is!
by Liz Fichera
Published January 29th 2013 by Harlequin Teen
Blurb (Goodreads):
When Native American Fredricka ‘Fred’ Oday is invited to become the only girl on the school’s golf team, she can’t say no. This is an opportunity to shine, win a scholarship and go to university, something no one in her family has done.
But Fred’s presence on the team isn’t exactly welcome — especially not to rich golden boy Ryan Berenger, whose best friend was kicked off the team to make a spot for Fred.
But there’s no denying that things are happening between the girl with the killer swing and the boy with the killer smile...

Today, Dianne features Sabrina Elkins, author of Stir Me Up. Head over Oops! I Read A Book Again now and also get a chance to win her book!
Yesterday: Jack Croxall (mine) and Erin Bowman (Oops! I Read A Book Again).
Tomorrow: Tara Lazar visits The Escapist while Amy Christine Parker drops by Oops! I Read A Book Again!
Check out the full schedule here.
Tomorrow: Tara Lazar visits The Escapist while Amy Christine Parker drops by Oops! I Read A Book Again!
Check out the full schedule here.
Calling YA/NA/MG debut authors of 2014! Want to join us on this fun event? Fill out this form! Don't forget to spread the word with your debuting friends!
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