World After
by Susan Ee
Series: Penryn and the End of Days #2
Genre: YA, fantasy/paranormal
Published November 19th 2013 by Skyscape
Source: Publisher via Netgalley
Purchase: Amazon
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Blurb (Goodreads):
In this sequel to the bestselling fantasy thriller, Angelfall, the survivors of the angel apocalypse begin to scrape back together what's left of the modern world.
When a group of people capture Penryn's sister Paige, thinking she's a monster, the situation ends in a massacre. Paige disappears. Humans are terrified. Mom is heartbroken.
Penryn drives through the streets of San Francisco looking for Paige. Why are the streets so empty? Where is everybody? Her search leads her into the heart of the angels' secret plans where she catches a glimpse of their motivations, and learns the horrifying extent to which the angels are willing to go.
Meanwhile, Raffe hunts for his wings. Without them, he can't rejoin the angels, can't take his rightful place as one of their leaders. When faced with recapturing his wings or helping Penryn survive, which will he choose?
My Thoughts:
When I found out that Angelfall will have a follow-up sequel and will *gasp!* become a trilogy, I was greatly ecstatic. I am deeply in love with Angelfall and I'm one of those people who begged for a sequel. After years of waiting, Susan Ee gave us World After! I didn't had a chance to have my own copy and read it ASAP but it's one of the books where I put an imaginary red sign, meaning: Never die until you read this. And then another two years had passed and the third book, End of Days has arrived but I haven't read it yet. Then I received (rejoice!!!) a copy of End of Days on the mail and also got lucky when shimmy World After was up on Netgalley and I got accepted against all odds. I never expected ANY of this to happen. High-pitched squees and crazy dancing are involved.
I am determined to re-read Angelfall before devouring World After. (It's been years!) But because I had so many things to do, I just skimmed it. World After picked up days after what has happened to Penryn on the end of Angelfall. If Penryn thought everything will be fine once she found her sister--and additionally her mother--she was wrong. Paige was the same sweet girl, but not as innocent after all she have been through and presently look like. Once again, I'm reminded of how I adored Penryn because of her love and care for her sister. Even if Paige scares her now, she's doing all her best to provide the things she need, especially her care.
However, something I cannot exactly pinpoint has happened. Because the moment I started reading World After, my excitement gradually died down. The pace and the events aren't as exciting as Angelfall. It could turn on the curiosity but not the excitement of reading more. I can very much relate to Steph Sinclair, a Goodreads reviewer, when she said she struggled to stay interested on the first half of the book. You know that thing when you're reading a book but it doesn't interest you enough that you had to put it down for a while and pick another book? It shockingly happened to me. And then I dragged myself to read it again. I can't believe I'd say that. I mean, I loved Angelfall. I'm pretty sure I'd love World After as well. But that's what happened. And I guess it also had to do with Raffe.
Thankfully, the story and pace picked up on the last quarter. I was brought to life. This time, I didn't have to drag myself to read. I'm turning the pages as fast as I have turned the pages of Angelfall before. Oh, I forgot to mention that there are rare times that I enjoy the first three quarters of the book because of a certain thing. Let's call it Pooky Bear. I'm not kidding. Don't worry, you'll meet her when you read this book. I'm not here to spill the beans. Only to tease you. ;D
From the last quarter, the story flew higher until the ending. It was a painful part because I have to end it but then I remember I already have End of Days. One of the reasons I'm sad because I enjoyed only a part of this book, not entirely as I expected. It always sucks to have your high expectations and not meet it. I hope it won't happen in the last book. I won't expect too much but I'm hoping I'll like it better than this one.
More creepy-looking characters, same mission, stronger Penryn--World After isn't what I expected as a whole but I'm very pleased that Penryn has more improvements. I thought she's already great in Angelfall but she became even better. Fans of the first book, angels, and apocalypse stories will enjoy this.
I am determined to re-read Angelfall before devouring World After. (It's been years!) But because I had so many things to do, I just skimmed it. World After picked up days after what has happened to Penryn on the end of Angelfall. If Penryn thought everything will be fine once she found her sister--and additionally her mother--she was wrong. Paige was the same sweet girl, but not as innocent after all she have been through and presently look like. Once again, I'm reminded of how I adored Penryn because of her love and care for her sister. Even if Paige scares her now, she's doing all her best to provide the things she need, especially her care.
However, something I cannot exactly pinpoint has happened. Because the moment I started reading World After, my excitement gradually died down. The pace and the events aren't as exciting as Angelfall. It could turn on the curiosity but not the excitement of reading more. I can very much relate to Steph Sinclair, a Goodreads reviewer, when she said she struggled to stay interested on the first half of the book. You know that thing when you're reading a book but it doesn't interest you enough that you had to put it down for a while and pick another book? It shockingly happened to me. And then I dragged myself to read it again. I can't believe I'd say that. I mean, I loved Angelfall. I'm pretty sure I'd love World After as well. But that's what happened. And I guess it also had to do with Raffe.
Thankfully, the story and pace picked up on the last quarter. I was brought to life. This time, I didn't have to drag myself to read. I'm turning the pages as fast as I have turned the pages of Angelfall before. Oh, I forgot to mention that there are rare times that I enjoy the first three quarters of the book because of a certain thing. Let's call it Pooky Bear. I'm not kidding. Don't worry, you'll meet her when you read this book. I'm not here to spill the beans. Only to tease you. ;D
From the last quarter, the story flew higher until the ending. It was a painful part because I have to end it but then I remember I already have End of Days. One of the reasons I'm sad because I enjoyed only a part of this book, not entirely as I expected. It always sucks to have your high expectations and not meet it. I hope it won't happen in the last book. I won't expect too much but I'm hoping I'll like it better than this one.
More creepy-looking characters, same mission, stronger Penryn--World After isn't what I expected as a whole but I'm very pleased that Penryn has more improvements. I thought she's already great in Angelfall but she became even better. Fans of the first book, angels, and apocalypse stories will enjoy this.
Check out my review for Angelfall (book one).
*Thank you so much Skyscape for the review ecopy in exchange of an honest review!